Anya is a Costume Designer based in Toronto & Los Angeles
Made with Squarespace
Almost by fluke, Anya got thrown into the wonderful world of Costumes, at the young age of 16, and there was no turning back.
After graduating from fashion school at Ryerson University, Anya knew that her destiny was to tell people’s stories through costume. She has always been fascinated with the power of costumes and how much they can reveal about a person. Often, as an actor’s first point of contact, a Costume Designer can really help them figure out who their character is and how they want to play the role, and Anya thrives off that creative energy. It’s all in the details; the accessories, the breakdown of the garments, the fit, the origin. What you wear, determines how you walk and where you’ve been.
Through the years, Anya’s focus has shifted to ethical and sustainable fashion. She is a huge advocate for shopping locally, thrifting, avoiding fast fashion and working with emerging artists. This allows for a tremendous amount of creativity and, undoubtedly, adds a lot more depth to her characters.
Fun fact: in her free time, Anya trains as an amateur acrobat and has taught at festivals around the world. Her happy place is upside down.